Conways Game of Life - Epistemological Considerations
Similar to what God said to the sea in Job 38:11, He tell us our knowledge of the universe can come this far, but no further.
Software Engineer. Specializing in writing robust, sleek, performant code. Dabbling in epistomology and philsophy on the side.
Similar to what God said to the sea in Job 38:11, He tell us our knowledge of the universe can come this far, but no further. What I discovered learning Rust The Game of Life, also known as Conway's Game of Life or simply Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. Using my Console Game Engine, this is a reinforcement learning project using the C++ Pytorch framework to train a neural network to play the classic arcade game Snake. The eShow mobile conference app is a native iOS app used at large conferences, tradeshows, and events. A simple game engine for the Linux / MacOS terminal. Using the NCurses api's this simple game engine allows for building simple arcade sytle games.Recent Posts
Conways Game of Life - Epistemological Considerations
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Conways Game of Life
AI Snake Agent
eShow Conference App
Console Game Engine